Using the healing power of music
to integrate body, mind and spirit.
Music touches us at a very deep level. It can be an incredibly powerful tool to help activate our natural healing capacity. Through personalized interactive therapeutic musical experiences, LifeSong Music Therapy can address a wide variety of emotional, physical and spiritual issues that may be preventing you from reaching your highest potential.
The process of musical wellness supports the holistic integration of body, mind and spirit through musical experiences grounding us in the here and now. Connecting with our inherent musicality can allow us to become more fully present, embodied, fluid and spontaneous in all aspects of our lives.
By helping you to awaken and enliven your own "musical self” in this way, a board-certified music therapist can assist you in optimizing your "musical health," a process which can positively impact the quality of your life in many areas. This is equally true regardless of the presence or absence of mental or physical “disease.”